Looking back at all the people who were part of Almost Live!, it’s notable that there are literally none of them that moved onto completely different careers after the show wrapped years ago. None of the cast members went into the clergy – or became an actuary, astronaut, statistician, pipe-fitter, cartographer, or tried their hand at dentistry. Yes, Joe Guppy DID become a psychotherapist for a while, but he also simultaneously taught comedy. The two DO go hand-in-hand after all. But most everyone moved from the show to somewhat related fields: Some on to TV work, writing projects, standup comedy, public speaking, and theater. But one former cast member has pretty much done – and continues to do – ALL of that. And she was already under sail before she ever arrived at Almost Live!
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Lauren Weedman has a performing career longer that KING KONG’s arms. Both of them. She’s acted in countless movies and TV shows, from Arrested Development, to Will and Grace, from Two Broke Girls, to Masters of Sex. She played major roles in the HBO series Hung and Looking. But as you’ll discover in this episode, her very first TV experience was on Almost Live!
After the show ended, she later became a correspondent on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. She’s done a ton of theater, including no less than 11 solo plays she wrote herself. She’s also the host of the Moth Storytelling Slam in Santa Monica. She’s a noted painter of original art. As for acting, she’s performed on stage everywhere in the country. She’s also the author of two books, and you can see her more recently in HBO’s series Euphoria.
Without question one of the most accomplished talents that ever strolled into the studios of
Almost Live! Actress, comedian, theater performer, artist, author, playwright, AND the single mom of Leo. They live together in L.A. – at nearby Santa Monica.